Tuesday, February 5, 2008

I Can Crawl!

Ok- maybe crawling isn't so hard after all! Although I had given up on crawling and just planned to go straight to walking, a funny thing happened over the weekend. I was showing off to mommy by getting up to a sitting position over and over again. Then I noticed that I was moving forward! I've been able to move backwards for a few months now, but that's not very exciting- just frustrating. But by repeating my move to sitting and pushing with my legs, I finally got to go forward. Encouraged by my success, I put out a hand and then another and then another. My moves are deliberate and measured. And I can actually move forward! It is so exciting! I am so proud of myself I grin from ear to ear as I move down the hall. I was able to crawl all the way from my room to the bathroom for bath time!

1 comment:

Ada said...

Oh Yeah! It appears that you decided it was time to do the crawl- but Ada noticed the date you posted your achievement was Super Tuesday! That's my girl- like Obama keep the expections low and just do it! Another milestone completed you are on your way.
Yes you Can!!!