Thursday, June 24, 2010

Alisal family portraits


Me and my cousins!

After the hayride, a nice lady with some animals let us play with her dogs, turtle, bird, lizard, and rats!

Mommy, daddy, and I had a great time at Alisal, our annual family retreat to Solvang, CA.  I got to play with Laura, Harper, and my other cousins.  I also went on my first hayride to the adobe for a pancake breakfast!

Boppy and dad-dad were so happy to have the whole family there

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Birthday Celebrations 3

For the last part of my birthday celebrations, daddy and I took a quick road trip to Minnesota to play with Aunt Jenny.  Here I am in the back of the car with my brand-new book, Madeline and the Cats of Rome

I love riding in the car!  Here I am watching daddy's iphone, where I have downladed Toy Story 1 and 2.  We'll add Toy Story 3 whenever Disney lets us!  Note the water bottle- it's alluminum, really pretty, and made in Switzerland- I bring it with me every time in the car!

Are we there yet, daddy?

Hello, Aunt Jenny!

On the way home, we stopped at Cabela's, near the Iowa-Minnesota border.  It was my first visit to the "outdoor store" as I call it.  This is my first look at the place- I was immediately stunned and impressed.


Look!  A Rhino!

Face to face with a lion!

Look!  A moose!

Birthday Celebrations Part 2

Here I am in the foam pit at the Iowa Gym Nest. This is my second birthday party, the one we threw for my friends at day care. It was awesome! We played on the slide, we played on the trampoline, and lost ourselves in the foam pit. Thanks, mommy and daddy for such a great party!

yay! Pizza!

Help me from foam pit, Mommy!

Blowing out the candles!

They have an extra long trampoline there- we can run and jump and tumble for 50 feet!

Blowing out the Candles

The cake for Gran and my joint party was a wonderfully rich flourless chocolate torte

Brithday Celebration Part 1

I have been promising Birthday photos for a while now.  Sorry for the really long delay- so this is the series in the three parts.  First, we have photos from the formal family party at Orchard Green that also served to welcome home Grammie Lonni to Iowa and to celebrate Gran's birthday!

Presents!  YAY!  Please sir, may I have some more?

Daddy took great care selecting the restaurant, the table setting, and the wine.  I think he did good!

YAY!  More presents!

Beautiful family!

Happy birthday, Gran!

Welcome to Iowa, Grammie!

Thank you for coming, Granmimi!