Monday, November 8, 2010

Chicago Road Trip to the Dino Museum!

On Saturday the family went for a one-day trip to Chicago!  We left early in the morning and we dropped off mommy so she could get her hair done.  Then daddy and I went to the dinosaur museum, also known as the Field!  It was very cool. 

When we walked in, daddy asked if I wanted to see the "real" dinosaurs.  Of course I said yes!  I didn't realize that the real dinos that move and roar are actually really scary.  I hid my face and asked to leave.  But daddy showed me the little baby dinosaurs hatching (the first picture) and I thought that was pretty neat.  I didn't want to have anything to do with the the actual T Rex, above.

We got upstairs to see the dinosaur bones and that was MUCH better!  Dinosaur skeletons are NOT scary and I really liked learning how to pronounce their names.  Here I am with a Stegasaurus!  Thanks for a great Chicago trip, mommy and daddy!


Ada said...

It is one of my favorite museums- your cousin Kate also likes going to the Dino Museum in Pittsburgh

Patricia said...

DInos are the best! i hope to visit a dino museum with you some time. Maybe this summer we can meet Kate in Pits and see their museum. Although the Field is great, the Carnegie has spent 20 million on DINOS! Love, Gran