When Daddy and I have some free time, we like to go to the Iowa Children's museum at the mall. The last time we went, I was very interested in the mock grocery store they have set up. I went through their "bakery" aisle, identifying the cookies and bread and pasteries. I could tell that they were plastic and not real and I didn't try to eat them.
Later, as we were playing in the physics room (still daddy's favorite), I suddenly stood up from the train set, grabbed something, and ran out the door. Daddy was very concerned about my lack of attention or discipline. He saw that I was headed back to the grocery exhibit. When he grabbed my hand to see what I was carrying, he immediately understood. I had found a rubber cookie in the train set and I was returning it to where it should be! Daddy followed me, amused and impressed by my dilligence for order. He gave me a big hug and kiss when I finished putting it back in the tray with the other rubber cookies.
Can we go home now and get a real cookie?
How nice of you to return the cookie to the grocery store. It shows that you not only have a sense of order but also a recognition of a rightful place- by putting the cookie in the bakery it will be at home and available for you and all the other children that visit the bakery aisle. I'll have to send you my oatmeal cookies so that you and your Mom can enjoy real cookies and place them in your cookie jar- a place for all things and everything in its place!
I understand you- a sense or order is fundamental to keeping things performing and within reach. Cheers for yur good genes. Love, Gran
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