Thursday, June 26, 2008

Language Development

First: a flood update. The water stopped going over the spillway on Tuesday and waters are receeding further. The bottom on Kimball and the Park Road bridge is still not clear, but the pther bridges and roads are mostly clear. There is still a lot of clean up to do, especially in Coralville and around the arts buildings on campus. Daddy has been doing research on the impact of the floods on the Emergency Room, you can see that data here:

Next, I wanted to thank Gran for her recent visit. We had a wonderful week! We would go to breakfast, go for walks, go shopping, and play for hours in my room. She was fascinated with my ability to walk and I eagerly showed off my new talent for her. We even survived a brutal monday evening where workers were putting a new roof on the house and it was VERY LOUD! But Gran made me feel so comfortable I was actually able to sleep in my room, even with the workers directly above.

Even though she was here for a week, I haven't made a new post since last week. That's becuase daddy's camera broke and we just got the replacement. Don't worry- all the data (including my walking) was saved.

Finally, I have to tell you about my wonderful advances in language. I have been able to understand simple phrases for some time, but only recently have I been able to form new words. Last week, for the first time, I called by beloved sister by her name, "Ali". I was so proud of this new word that I kept repeating it: "Ali, Ali, Ali, Ali, . . . ". Every time, she would approach me and nuzzle my face or belly, making me laugh. Although her name is harder, I can kinda say Skye: it comes out "Iye". And my favorite stuffed animal: "Owl". When Gran and daddy and I went to the Natural History Museum this week, we saw a beautiful stuffed snowy owl. Daddy asked me, "What sound does the owl make?"

To Gran's shock, I said, "WHO!"


Patricia said...

Hello Sophie,
I enjoyed my week with you and look forward to August for another time with Pasha. You are growing and developing so fast- this is a wondrous time. Love, Gran

Patricia said...

Hello Sophie,
I enjoyed my week with you and look forward to August for another time with Pasha. You are growing and developing so fast- this is a wondrous time. Love, Gran

Ada said...

Hi Sophie!
Aunt Jenny and I will see you tomorrow!