I was very popular at the conference! All the residents kept wanting to hold me and fawn over me. It was great! With all that attention, I was very content to just hang out and look cool. I ate, I slept, I looked around and never even cried once. Everyone was so impressed with my regal behavior!
When I got home, I made up for my quiet demeanor and really let dad have it. He was being really boring and trying to take a nap but I insisted on continuing to play. I am getting much better about rolling. I can sometimes roll from front to back on my own! My sist
ers love watching me on the play mat (see right). They crawl to the edge and lay down, actively sniffing all the time. They're just fascinated with a little human doing all these cool things like kicking and pushing and rolling!
Tonight, at bedtime, I discovered a new favorite song. Daddy was feeding me my bedtime bottle, listening to '60's folk songs as usual, when a haunting voice emanated from the ipod. It began, "A long, long time ago, I can still remember how that music used to make me smile . . . " I turned to face dad, eyes wide and intent, mouth still clutched around the bottle (I never do that- I always look out when taking a bottle. I shocked daddy by turning and looking at him so deliberately!). The music continued with the most wonderful, rousing, enchanting melody I have ever heard. Daddy noticed my interest and sang along for me. It was so cool! Daddy says it was "American Pie" by Don Maclean and that the song has a significant connection to my home state of Iowa. Apparently, this crooner named Buddy Holly when down on a plane into a cornfield one winter long ago, along with two other great singers. It happened not too far from Clear Lake, Iowa, where daddy drove through on the way to RAGBRAI.
Anyway, the song was really great and is a close second to "City of New Orleans" for best Sophie music of all time. A late night breast feeding, a double feature of American Pie followed by City of New Orleans, and my sisters at my feet is the best way to fall asleep . . .
Sophie, what a star! You are the center of attention- as you should be. When Nanny Jenny was a little girl your Gran. Granmimi and I used to say that Jenny was the Princess of Everything and Queen of quite a lot. I think we should now pass the title on to you... here she is:
Dear Sophe,
I just got to London from Tanzania and I will be back to play with you in September after I spend some time with Laura and Harper at home in PA.- I look forward to seeing you again. We had a great time last visit but it sounds like you've grown up a lot and will be more fun and more challenge! You also seem to be physically growing and staying on the tall side. Do you have a shopping list for Hrrods? Love, Gran
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